
Posts Tagged ‘ASU’

The sure honesty of people surprises me. “25 random things” has become some what of a national craze on Facebook. And why shouldn’t it? For some reason, people love to spill there inner most thoughts for where anybody can see them. Even though some thoughts are not as insightful as others.

According to an article printed the The Dallas Morning News, “A Google search Wednesday for “25 Random Things” turned up almost 100,000 hits.”

Experts call this kind of phenomenon a “meme,” a kind of social infection that affects the way people think or act. Like biological bugs, memes are unpredictable. Fashion trends are a good example,” the article said.

The rules are simple: Make a list of 25random things about yourself, then ‘tag’ 25 friends to prompt them to create their own list.

So what are some of the 25 random things about ASU students or alumni?

Andrew Wilson, who graduated with a degree in RTV last spring, wrote “I firmly believe that A-State can be the greatest university in the state of Arkansas. But it starts with students claiming a sense of pride, place, and purpose in their University. ASU can be the best, but it wont get there without students taking an active ownership role.”

Russ Lott, a grad student, wrote “I absolutely love the changes God is making in my life right now. I hope they continue and that I can find more strength in him and stop looking to myself.”

Brittany Edwards, a junior political science major, wrote “I almost got kicked out of the Smithsonian for squealing when I saw the Reagan room.”

Just to be sure to censor yourself because you never know who will read it.

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